Saturday 28 April 2012

Lots of Ruins!

Yesterday and today was all about ruins! I dont know if you know it but this part of Turkey (close to Greece and Italy) were invaded numerous times by the Greeks and Romans,so there are ruins of cities from these times. The first one we went to was called Pergamum, which was a garrison city full of temples and areans for various emperors. It is set high up on a hill, and you need gondalas to get there (think Rotorua) and looking down you can see the tiny cobblestone roads they once used to get up to the top. What got me was how they let people climb all over ruins, marble statues, pillars etc over 2000 years old! there was not one piece of rope or anything keeping you away. They are currently trying to reconstruct the buildings etc and you can see piles of marble with numbers on, showing how they are going to put a temple back together like a jigsaw!

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