Thursday 4 October 2018

cruising on out!

Don’t likeMiami – all very dodgy looking however we got a lovely man at our  hotel who organised a shuttle to the port to get our ship. There were 6 cruise ships docked that day so it was chaos!  You just left your bags with others by the side of the road and walked off hoping to god they knew which ship to put them on! After that it took us an hour in the heat to actually get on the boat – good time to people watch tho. Some very pushy, loud Americas there.
So on the boat, up-grade our drinks package and first beer, first cocktail, another beer, another cocktail by the pool, all before we got into our room and then up stairs to leave!
Lots of huge, expensive houses on the keys as we passed with flash boats packed up outside (just like Miami Vice!)

Lovely to start with a day a sea. Slept in (first time to be able to since we started on our trip) – big buffet breakfast and to the pool.  Then to check out the shore excursions (we hadn’t booked any before hand as we weren’t sure) and then off to book what we wanted to do. Back to lunch (more food and cocktails) and then to the pool for swim, cocktails – live band playing etc Oh this is what I call relaxing! We had a nana nap then off to the fine dining restaurant for lots of rose (the wine lady was impressed with my ability to down those buggars!) and then to watch ‘Captain Kate” do a meet and greet.  yes we have a lady captain who looks tooooooo young to handle this big a boat!

We have discovered lots of English are on board as well as Americans. They have been all very friendly and happy for a chat.
Show that night was a show with singers, acrobats, dancers  etc. Very good but I was a bit blotto. Then it was up-stairs for a Silent Disco! Seriously – it was incredible. There were at least 300 – 400 people each with headphones on that light up. You set your headphone to a channel (there were 3 channels to choose from – golden oldies (rock), top 40 or some latin American thing). Most were on red which was great! The funny part was that you danced to what was going on in your headphone! That was why it was silent – cause you take your headphone off and the only noise was a huge group singing some chorus of a song  - and the others were just dancing to their own beat! Such fun! The people there were old and young and it started at 10.30pm so most were quite happy like me!

At 11pm we went to an adult comedy show which was very funny and not bad words or themes at all. Midnight I turned into a very tired little pumpkin!
Suffering from the night before and had only 2 beers all day! Didn’t want to get up and have breakfast and only went to the pool after some Panadol took effect! Very seedy all day and swore to lay off the booze which is silly if you have an all-inclusive drinks package! The weather so far since arriving in America has been 31 – 32C and a bit humid. Still like this on the boat. Quiet day with a latin-American guy for the show who was quite good.
ST Thomas – US Virgin Islands.
Finally – woke up and there was land ahoy! (haven’t seen land for two days – nothing!). it looks all hilly and bush but some lovely houses there. We had a snorkelling with the turtles tour. There were about 20 – 25 of us and we went out on this lovely catermaran  with sails etc. 3 young guys and girl were in charge and they were all brown and enthusiastic and funny with rock music blaring while we sailed! The snorkelling wasn’t as great as the Pacific Is (murky water – not much fish – and it is an marine reserve!) however we did see large turtles in their natural habitat swimming along the sea floor.  The water was sooooo warm!

On the way back it was sun, rum punch (free and lots of) and rock music with people up dancing! Exactly what you think the Caribbean would be like. I am so happy! We are now waiting to leave and onto the next island. A magician show tonight but to bed early after that. The sunshine does take it out of one!

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