Sunday 19 August 2012

China - 2nd day -big disappointment

Up bright and early so we could get to the Great Wall - today is the day. the real reason why we came to China in the first place. Meet up with guide and Mr Sun ( just love him - so much like a Sumo wrestler with a huge smile) and off we go. 8am and peak hour traffic - 2hours to the wall and lots and lots of brown smog. Oh no I think, and then think, it's 2 hours (like to Palmi) surely the smog will be gone by then. Well, one hour goes by, smog, and then another 30 min and more smog. Still in the city of Beijing, still on 3 lane highway, still smog. I had great visions of this wall in the country, rising up from the fields or hills but not from behind 4 story apartment blocks! another 15 min on and then suddenly there are tall, steep cliffs behind the houses, then more cliffs and I feel we are in a type of gorge. 2 more minutes and there it is ! you can hardly see it, emerging from the smog, kinda make out the outline along the cliff ridges and thats about it! we pull off to get into a lane with buses and more buses, and then stop and it's about 20 metres in front of us. Jam packed with people and food stalls just below it. Very disappointing. Have alook and you can see why.
see the people climbing up the wall to the next tower? very steep. Dave got most of the way up
sights from near the top looking down. I am way down the bottom - can you see me?
the wall had a 4 lane highway under it and a sewrage pond beside it - disgusting way to treat a national treasure.
So we came all this way for this!

Ming Tombs More than thankful to get into the car and get away from the wall and the heat and disappointment. We head to the Ming Tombs which are more into the countryside, some smog but not as bad, but very, very hot. These are 17 tombs set into hills, and only a few uncovered.They have made one for the main Emperor into a museum for the last Emperor (the one that gave it all up).

After a visit and lunch at Jade House to see how they make some of these really neat figurines, and off to the Olympic area. Back into the smog and more heat, not pleasant at all.
 Did you know that the Govt displaced 1 million people so they could build this in the middle of the city? There is a 2km huge walkway right up the middle (concrete) 70 metres wide across (way wider than a rigby field) remember this width goes for 2 kms! now it is a nearly deserted walkway except for the silly tourists who come and see the stadium (birdsnest) on one side and the pool (icecube, gymnasium, fencing stadiums on the other). App. the birdsnest has not been used since the closing ceremony 4 years ago and they are talking of dismantling it (the idiots made the middle too small to be used for any other sport ie soccer so cant be used for anything). the pool etc are used by the university. they had toilets along the side with classifications of 4star, 3 star etc depending on the class of toilet you want. the 4 star I went into was all marble but the door hinges were coming off, the soap tap things didnt work and the blow heaters blew out cold air! not much has been done in upkeep since the games. All for show is what the Chinese seem to do best.
It was very interesting seeing these buildings but I look now and think what a waste! esp. the walkway 2km of concrete in the middle of a city where land is at a premimum!

After that we were very hot, tired and thinking what a day! We relaxed by going to a tea house to try out different types of teas. That was very informative, esp. as we are not tea drinkers! got some real green tea for Emma at an exorbitant price compared to NZ, so it better be good! After that was a special Peking Duck dinner, where by they bring out a whole duck cooked (including its beak and feet!) and cut it up infront of you and give you the meat! the good news was at least I knew what I was eating! the bad news was that face and beak visual was not appetite enhancing! picked my way through (tho the meat was juicy and no real flavour at all, must be duck-farmed). Was glad to get in our bed - what a day!

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