Sunday 19 August 2012

On our way Home - Yay!

Up at five to get to the airport. Sasha and Mr Sun punctual as usual, and not much traffic but that nasty, dirty smog still around - even at this hour. Worry that the planes cant see to take off! Sasha comes up to the Air China desk to make sure we get booked all the way through (English is limited this side of the border) and that our luggage is checked properly through (my big fear that it will end up on a baggage line to Shanghai or somewhere). She was very emotional saying goodbye to us, wanted to take her back and show her how it was done away from the big brother Chinese govt. Arrival in Hongkong was fine, and then 5 hours waiting round an airport. Thankgod it had free wi-fi. Went to the boarding room, and the first thing I saw was the Koru pattern on the tail of the plane and nearly cried! just looked at it for ages and ages, till Dave was wondering what was wrong. Plane trip home was hideous due to two babies crying constantly, just in front of us. when one stopped the other started. couldnt decide if I was sorry for the mum trying to keep her baby quiet or totally agreeing with baby-free flights! anyway no sleep at all - watched movies for 12 hours. Seeing Auckland was wonderful - such a joyful sight after all this time, and the luggage was actually there! couldnt believe we mangaged so long with no lost luggage, passports, money, tickets - no booking stuffups or missed transport. pretty amazing considering what naieve travellers we were (not now, very seasoned now!). Our arrival in Napier was lovely - a great welcome and lots of hugs and a few tears WE MADE IT!

1 comment:

  1. Well done! Have loved being able to share your incredible trip through your blog and photos x
