Monday, 4 June 2012


Interlaken Today we crossed over the alps from Montreux into a small skiing town called Interlaken. This was the place that our Jamie went to twice to go snow-boarding in the middle of winter and recommended it as a place to go if we could. The trip over was absolutely stunning ( I am going to use this word a lot to describe what we have seen in Switzerland). We went zig-zagging up the steep cliffs behind Montreux and were able to look down on the town from up high.
Then it was through the mountains, like going through the mountain passes you see on TV. Sights of the snow in the distance, steep sides, streams, gorges etc – in fact very similar to NZ.
No dramas this time with any trains – only had to change the once.
We spent the whole trip (4 hours) just gazing at the scenery in awe. It was just so stunning (again!). As we were coming into Interlaken it was even more so. Two lakes on each side, town in the middle and high mountains all around. One thing straight away we found out was how nice the people are here. Very friendly when asking directions and all have spoken good English. (even the one-armed taxi driver who was trying to struggle with our big bags into the boot before Dave took over – the taxi driver wanted to practise his English on us!) Our hotel was gorgeous – very Swiss looking – with old style inside. Made me feel as if I really was in Switzerland.
The first afternoon we wandered around the town and discovered all the shops and restaurants etc. We had a beer in one place then strolled down the road to Hooters (yes they have one here! Dave was fascinated at watching the old guys leering at the girls – even he said it was totally inappropriate) where we had another beer and food and watched the para gliders landing in the park opp. It was fantastic as they start off on a high mountain behind the town (you can see them) and then they just float for ages before landing. I seriously considered doing it (tandem) and the view must be amazing, but a) it was 140 Euro and b) I would spend most of it with my eyes closed so what was the point! We then strolled into this ticket place where we discussed how to get up to the Top of Europe, the next day. The guy was older and extremely helpful about tips and savings on fares etc. We ended up very grateful to him the next day…… What a glorious sunny day (no cloud in the sky) to be going up to the Top of Europe. Bet you don’t know what that is .. well Jamie suggested we have to do it. At the side of Interlaken are some majestic mountains which include the Eiger and Jungfrau (which is the highest peak in Europe). What happened was in 1908 to 1912 a very brave engineer designed a 5km tunnel through these mountains with a cog rail track to take people (back then mountaineers) up to the top. It was opened in 1912 and is now celebrating its centenary. It costs the earth to go up, but as we had a Eurorail pass we got lots of discount (thank god). You take a train from Interlaken up one side of the mountain range with once again stunning scenery (mainly forest and streams). Then waiting for you is a cog train which takes you up the winding track (start to see snow, peaks and steep valleys). After that you change to the next cog train (each a little smaller and slower than the last one) and you see these amazing snowy mountains all around you. You can see where you are going to if you stretch your head back, to a tiny restaurant way on the ridge of Jungfrau.
The small cog train went into the tunnel at a steep angle and that was it for 5 km. there were 2 stops for 5 min whereby everyone rushed out to an area where you could see out - lots of snow and looking way, way down to the little towns we changed stations at.
Before I go any further, there were Asians everywhere! In fact 2 carriages on each train was reserved for a tour group, so you can imagine what it was like when the train stopped. A stampede does not describe it – all rushing to get the best shots through the window, pushing and shoving each other and all others in the way. Hideous. At the top, you get out still in the tunnel and follow the arrows. We ended up touring the area for an hour and a half. There is a lookout, then you can go outside on the balcony all around – freezing cold but the sun was shining, no wind really – lots of photos. It really was like being on top of the world. Peaks glistening with snow – just spectacular.
After that we went out on to the snow, lots of Asians with heels on (I kid you not!) slipping on the ice – grabbing each other and knocking others over. Quite hilarious really. Check out these photos – the wind came up a little (app. Well below freezing outside).
Just an aside - we were now 3482m above sea level. In comparison Mt Ruapehu is 2797m high (so we were a lot higher than its peak) and Mt Cook is 3754m high, so just under its height. We both started having breathing problems and dizziness, more so with Dave more than me. If we walked quickly along a corridor or went up a slight rise (going outside) we were puffing and gulping in breaths to compensate for lack of oxygen. Under ground there was also a snow ice palace place ……. (once again Asians on heels sliding all over the place because the floor was ice too!)
And then a Snow fun place with also the history of how they made the tunnel on the side. (app. Lots of drilling and deaths taking place)
I can say, the whole view was awe inspiring – I just couldn’t stop saying – oh wow! Oh wow! On the way back – there was a little incident which marred things a little. Lots of people up there waiting for a train to go down (went every half hour so no real rush), and this Asian guy pushed me aside as I was getting on the train and then proceeded to push Dave aside ahead of me. Dave had had enough by this time (we had been pushed and shoved all day by these extremely rude people) and poked this guy and told him in no uncertain terms how rude he was and that he had no right to do that to other people etc. (no swear words!) the guy looked shocked, and the ones trying to follow him suddenly stopped pushing me and stood down waiting! I think they need to be told, honestly .. it was just horrible. Anyway after that we met a lovely couple from India (lots of Indian tourists too, but they have manners and not pushy)… who wants to come to NZ because India is felly, felly hot! Just loved him! On the way down back down the tunnel (praying to god the brakes hold!), we changed trains again and went down the other side to a little town called grimelwald, where Jamie actually went ski- ing. Obviously it was now luschious and green, with swiss chalets all over the place. You could see the ski lifts and gondalas where people go up. Dave went through a field of wild flowers, with the snow peaks behind. Also there were some para gliders taking off from the top of the peaks in the distance (not as high as we went up) and gliding all around the steep sides for ages. Can you pick them out?
Talking about that, it was amazing the number of locals and tourists who take these trains up with their hiking sticks and hop off at little places to either walk up or down or over the ridges as the case may be. Very impressive, as most of them were quite old too! Talk about being fit. Even saw some mountain bikers trying to climb up the trails very slowly.
By the way - they really do put cow bells on the cows in the meadows! Heres the proof!
All in all, an amazing day – it took 2 half hours to get up there, longer coming back because we stopped off at a couple of places to have a look around. Very tired afterwards. We went out later on and found Dave a swiss watch, which I had promised him. Unfotunately he didn’t want a fake one from Hongkong, so we had to do lots of searching but finally found one in our price range (as you can guess it wasn’t a Rolex!) Found some swiss chocolate too, yum!


  1. Wow! Your theme song will be "I've been everywhere, Man!" when you get back. Switzerland looks beautiful - lots of snow. You'll be looking forward to some heat though. You must be getting closer, after all it is the 4th day of winter here, so 4th day of summer for you!??

  2. Oh I absolutely loved Interlaken and Jungfrau!! I didn't realise you were going there too!! I got very dizzy up there! We stayed at a little backpackers/camping ground right at the bottom of a valley. Such a beautiful place! And very cute town!

  3. Heidi country! Looks so lovely. Will have to add it my list for when I hop over to see Alice in Vienna.
